I went to a themed New Years Eve party to kick of 2010!
Theme: Celebrities of 2009

Our hosts: Tila Tequila and Shawn Merriman.
Taylor Swift and Kanye West.
Team Jacob! He actually didn't come to the party as Jacob, but some singer guy, and everyone thought he looked more like Jacob, so he became Jacob.
(I don't know why my logo is in the middle of the picture, but I'm too lazy to change it right now.)
Balloon boy and Lady Gaga.
Jon and Kate plus their 8. And Tiger Woods sleeping with one of his mistresses in the background.
Jon, passed out with the twins.
And Shorty who bared all the noisy festivities. I love Shorty's nose! It's soo cute. And he's smart, knows how to high five, dance, roll over, and bang!
There were many other costumes at the party. People from The Hills (a show I don't watch, so I wouldn't know who to label them as), Team Edward and some others.
As my sister went as Lady Gaga, which I thought of, I couldn't figure out who I wanted to be. So, I was her papa-paparazzi! (There are no pictures of me with my camera)
Team Jacob was originally supposed to be David Archeletta from American Idol. Great pics Chrissy~ It was awesome having you over! :)